Wednesday, April 29, 2009

-Oh Muggers-

Mugzee was my little baby until i had Gavin and ever since... i've kinda avoided the little guy... Grandma and Grandpa Wight have been babysitting the dogs so i haven't seen him much lately, but he's the sweetest dog in the world!! Other than Madison of course... my other dog :) I got him 2 Christmas's ago when i lived in Salt Lake... he's a pug yorkie... not sure really what kind of dog he is called, but he turned out to be a cute combo!... He has the face of a pug, and the body and energy of a yorkie all the way! He started out so tiny...

He always fell into his toy basket trying to get something out... :)And now my sweet little hairless sleeping puppy has turned into an out of control hellian!!! I wish i had an updated photo of him because he's almost so ugly that's he cute... but i just think he's adorable! His hair was almost literally 2 inches long and out of control... it was almost starting to dred! and he had these crazy bangs coming over his eyes... almost like the grinch... he could barley see out of them :) ... He just got a hair cut though, so he looks nice and trimmed... kinda... the lady had a hard time because he wouldn't hold still after two sessions... so he's a little jagged up... i'll have to post one soon when i can get one.
Muggers has got the cutest personality too... ever since he was little he has been my shadow... When i use to have to work at 6 in the morning, i would wake up at like 5:15 and usually go start my car, and when i'd come back in, he was always waiting at the door for me, then he would go lay down on the bathroom rug while i got ready, giving me some company :) and i would put him back in the bed when i left and he would go right back to sleep. And other than his attitude that he could conquer the world and is 10 feet tall, he got along really well with all the other dogs in our family.... thank goodness!!!
Mugzee and Bailey ( Sabrina and Wayson's beagle... who is my beagle's older sister)

Top one is my girl Madison.. and Big Girl Bays... its funny out of two full litters and we pick almost identical sisters... looks of course... personality's... lazy and athletic :) ha ha jk Sabrina... and out of gang of roaming dogs, can't forget Doogie... a.k.a... Doogan.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

-5 Generations-

Were very fortunate to have two healthy great... and great great grandparents in our family, there old and still going strong... but that means we have 5 generations! :) I'm so glad we got this picture taken because its such a keep sake and can't say it happens too often... Starts with my great Grandma Vi and Grandpa Rex Birch, then Grandpa Dee... Mom... Me and Brady... then Gager and Gavin.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Oh where to begin with little Gager :) I honestly would have to say i have the cutest nephew ever! Alyssa has got such cute pictures on her facebook and myspace but for you in the blog world... Aunt Lyndee's got it covered! He is growing so fast... everywhere... i think his hair grows an inch every time i see him, and it will not lay down! It is straight in the air and cute as could be... almost looks like a doo a who would wear from whoville!! so cute :) and he is such a little spitfire, more power to Lys and Brady... Ok Alyssa... because i think Brady is getting what he deserves for how terrible of a baby he was! I just can't get enough of his big blue eyes, wild and crazy hair, hoarse little voice and out of control wiggles :) he's so much fun.

This was the day after he was born... his hair was so dark then and he's changed so much! But what a cutie!!

My little guy has got some catching up to do... but he's on his way! Gage and Gavin are 6 weeks apart... and this was on St. Patricks day... "Mommy's little charms" :)

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Perfect in Every Way!!

Little Gavin wasn't due until March 20th origionally... But didn't quiet make it and came February 17th. He is my little miracle baby! I started going into labor on the 15th...(while at the the mountains!) I didn't know what i was suppose to be feeling for... and why would i need to know then, i still had a month??? so when i told my mom that morning i'd been having weird cramps all night long, she didn't hesitate... we made it to the Evanston hospital from Meeks Cabin in about 30 minutes... on that stupid bumpy road over by the windmills and governed out the truck a couple times going down the sisters :) My contractions were about 6 minutes apart so they gave me an IV and tried stopping them with the pills... i went home with those and took them until i was out and they kept on coming! So we went back to hospital Monday night and they started using the shots on top of the pills because i'd already had complications up to this point and lost about 12 pounds so we knew he was going to be really tiny if he came now. Sweet little fella was ready to come though, i kept dilating... and for those of you who go natural... more power to you! I was set on doing it but i was in labor way to long and after the epideral i was so relaxed... good thing too because i was at a stinkin 9 for 5 hours!! Then finally they broke my water at like 12:30 p.m. and literally 5 minutes later, he came all at once, all 3 pounds 12 ounces! My pediatrician was in the room with us because no one knew really what to expect, but he was so perfect in every way! They put him on oxygen for the first few days to help open up his lungs and an IV of antibiotics for any possible infections... but didn't have any and i think like after 4 or 5 days, they weined him off the oxygen slowly and he didn't have to go back on.

I had a really hard time the first week and half because he had oxygen, IV, body temp, and heart monitor cords coming from him, so i couldn't go far from the warmer to love on him with all these things coming from him! But i couldn't have asked for better nurses and doctors, they were so caring and made us feel so welcome, since we lived there a month :) ... they finally gave me the code to get into the nursery so someone didn't have to let me in every time, ha ha.

He had jondas (not sure how to spell that) for about 1 1/2 to 2 weeks on and off, so he got to suntan here and there with his sweet shades :)... i so wish i knew what he was thinking in this picture! It was hard to comprehend to see actually how small he was so we used my dad's giant hands to compare :) and yes those are tiny preemie diapers up to his armpits!... He didn't have to wear clothes for the first month of his life!

He was so perfect and the main reason after the first week that we stayed there for 3 weeks... that sounds confusing... was for him to gain weight. Dr. Ching told me i would have to wait until he was 5 pounds to go home, but he was doing so great, we got to go home at 4! Overall though, He is the greatest joy in my life, and there is no way to explain love at first sight and how much they mean to you! Thanks to everyone who supported us and came to visit while we were in the hospital, we really appreciate it! And for having to stay there almost a month....
He wasn't too distressed about it :)

Friday, April 17, 2009

Here's to CoUnTrY jAm that won't see us this year :(
I'm getting so excited for the summer to FINALLY be here... just sad we
can't keep on with the tradition....
...Considering me and Alyssa both have new additions, things have changed...
in a good way though!
For the past few years, us girls in the family take a little vacation
to party with some country music!
It started with Sabrina and I...
Then my mom, Jordon, and Alyssa came...

Then last year Chris and Lucy joined the crew...

It is so much fun getting away for a week and listening to country music...concert after
concert... laying by the pool... shopping and soaking up the sun! can't get much better than that :)

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

We had to go to the eye doctor today at primary childrens, and were there for 2 stinkin hours for a guy to look at him with a mag lamp for 2 seconds and say he looks fine!... ugh!... but i'm glad my little guy has normal eyes :)... and It was so much fun to see my friends from school, good to catch up on the times! ... i don't know if i'm going to stick with this blog thing, its hard to find things to talk about... but i'm sure when Gavin gets a little bigger and busy, i'll have lots going on! so i'll stick with it for awhile :)

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

HeLlO bLoGg WoRlD!
i'm still trying to figure out how to work this
whole blog thing, so it may be awhile
before i actually start blogging....